Saturday, December 24, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
New Day New Task
Good wishes
May this morning bestow upon you blessed gifts
A renewed strength to carry on with today's activities
New day new blessing
New day new strength
New day new friends
Find that which you derive joy in doing and give it your best
Never hesitate to go for the best if you want to rest
Never be ashame to proclaim love even to your enemy
Go in the joy of the new strength and make melody
Look around and bless souls with a little love
Endeavor to put smile on someone's face as you walk down the miles
Smile when being put down
Never wile in pain for it is but for a while
Rise when you fall and help others to rise as well
May this morning bestow upon you blessed gifts
A renewed strength to carry on with today's activities
New day new blessing
New day new strength
New day new friends
Find that which you derive joy in doing and give it your best
Never hesitate to go for the best if you want to rest
Never be ashame to proclaim love even to your enemy
Go in the joy of the new strength and make melody
Look around and bless souls with a little love
Endeavor to put smile on someone's face as you walk down the miles
Smile when being put down
Never wile in pain for it is but for a while
Rise when you fall and help others to rise as well
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Remember Me In Your Dreams
And all the sweet dreams that you see
Don’t forget me in your sleep
With you I always want to be
Take me along to all those places
In your dreams wherever you go
I won’t leave you even for a moment
Is what I always want you to know
Good night
Leave Me Alone
Sure, it’s been rough for the past day or two:
Give me time and space to deal with it
And I will pull through.
Give me time and space to deal with it
And I will pull through.
It’s not the pain that’s the killer, it’s being on my own
You know I have never done well with
Being left all alone
You know I have never done well with
Being left all alone
That’s not an invitation for you to hang around every day
You’ll just get on my nerves
And you’ll get in the way.
You’ll just get on my nerves
And you’ll get in the way.
Please don’t keep pressuring me to change my mind
I don’t mean to be hurtful
Or seem ungrateful or unkind.
I don’t mean to be hurtful
Or seem ungrateful or unkind.
Why do people, want to cause
Other people pain
Where is the Love
That will break the chain
Other people pain
Where is the Love
That will break the chain
Someone says something
Then it’s tit-for-tat
I’ve played this before
We all know the score
Now who’s up at bat
Then it’s tit-for-tat
I’ve played this before
We all know the score
Now who’s up at bat
I think it’s time, for us to play
The self healing game
Before there’s no one, left
Around to blame
The self healing game
Before there’s no one, left
Around to blame
One that’s more thoughtful
And much less insane
Let’s reach for the Sun
And help everyone
Come out of the rain
And much less insane
Let’s reach for the Sun
And help everyone
Come out of the rain
All we have, is this fleeting chance
To get this right
No time for jealousies
No time to fight
To get this right
No time for jealousies
No time to fight
Don’t say, that you’re sorry
Don’t seek to forgive
Just start here today
And throw it away
And learn how to live
Don’t seek to forgive
Just start here today
And throw it away
And learn how to live
Is your family still together, just like way back when?
Do you stick by each other through thick and thin?
Do you stick by each other through thick and thin?
Or do you hardly know the one that you call brother?
And do you ponder why you seldom talk to mother?
And do you ponder why you seldom talk to mother?
It wasn’t always this way, I can recall there was a time…
We were all together and we were doing fine.
We were all together and we were doing fine.
We all have our problems, please don’t get me wrong…
But I can remember a time when life was still a song.
But I can remember a time when life was still a song.
So much has happened to tear us into pieces…
Broken hearts never mended and hatred still increases…
Broken hearts never mended and hatred still increases…
Once I became an adult and reality banged on my door,
I realized that this was not a family anymore…
I realized that this was not a family anymore…
It is small and broken, some here and there…
Left to wonder who really cares.
Left to wonder who really cares.
It brings a storm of resentment from what has become…
The events of this torn home left me feeling numb.
The events of this torn home left me feeling numb.
Even though I now have a life that I cherish
I love my family and I would never let perish…
I love my family and I would never let perish…
The foundation I’ve built from what I’ve learned…
The feeling of warmth for which I yearned.
The feeling of warmth for which I yearned.
I once missed the ways I learned to live without…
No stronger than the flame which we blew out.
No stronger than the flame which we blew out.
Now I’ve built a fire and it lights up the sky…
With a deep devotion that I will never let die.
With a deep devotion that I will never let die.
Your family is there, whether you want it or not…
It just depends on who you’ve got.
It just depends on who you’ve got.
Blood doesn’t make us more loyal than a friend…
Nor does it establish who’s there in the end.
Nor does it establish who’s there in the end.
Let them go if they just never pulled through.
Sometimes you find, you’ll always have to.
Sometimes you find, you’ll always have to.
I never took it straight to the heart…
Just thought of it as two worlds apart.
Just thought of it as two worlds apart.
So it stands today that I feel whole…
Regardless of the past that lives within my soul.
Regardless of the past that lives within my soul.
What makes a friend
Can a complete stranger, a random person you've barely met Become your close and very trusted friend? You bet! You see, I know a guy. He's kind, attentive and nice, And just that was enough to melt my heart's distrustful ice. He's not the happiest person I've met, since his life was quite sad, But I do all I can to help him. And he makes me see not everyone's bad. Though we haven't spent much time being together as of yet, I can already say that this guy is one of the best people I've ever met. I hope that when you stop and think a bit about a friend, It's not the time you spent together that matters to you in the end. What does matter is who they are and what did they do. What you like them for. That's what makes our friends true!
The hardest part of any friendship
is when it is time to say goodbye,
and even though I wished I could make you stay,
I know I got to let you spread your wings and fly.
For life is a journey that needs to be traveled
and I am certain you'd make it through,
I just want you to know and never forget
that I will surely miss you.
So follow your heart and never give up,
as dreams and wishes do come true,
for I know that someday we'll meet again,
so never forget I will be praying for you.
is when it is time to say goodbye,
and even though I wished I could make you stay,
I know I got to let you spread your wings and fly.
For life is a journey that needs to be traveled
and I am certain you'd make it through,
I just want you to know and never forget
that I will surely miss you.
So follow your heart and never give up,
as dreams and wishes do come true,
for I know that someday we'll meet again,
so never forget I will be praying for you.
My Heart
If my heart could speak
Then what would it say
Would it answer the questions
I ask it each day
Would it confirm to me
What I know to be true
That I was not alive
Until I laid eyes on you
Would it tell me that we
Are two halves of a whole
And that in your eyes
There lies my soul
Would it explain all things
But especially this
Why I become hopelessly
Lost in your kiss
Would it tell me that I
Had been travelling through
Lonely oceans of time
Before I found you
Would it tell me the reason
I carry a flame
That will only ignite
To the sound of your name
Would it explain me to how
You light up my day
And warm up my nights
With all that you say
Or would it simply confirm
What I know to be true
That it and I
Are in love with you
Then what would it say
Would it answer the questions
I ask it each day
Would it confirm to me
What I know to be true
That I was not alive
Until I laid eyes on you
Would it tell me that we
Are two halves of a whole
And that in your eyes
There lies my soul
Would it explain all things
But especially this
Why I become hopelessly
Lost in your kiss
Would it tell me that I
Had been travelling through
Lonely oceans of time
Before I found you
Would it tell me the reason
I carry a flame
That will only ignite
To the sound of your name
Would it explain me to how
You light up my day
And warm up my nights
With all that you say
Or would it simply confirm
What I know to be true
That it and I
Are in love with you
My angel, if you have the chance to read this, we might have
parted already. I would have wanted to say goodbye to you myself but the
opportunity never showed itself. Up until now, I still question fate as to why
it let us cross part but she never gave me the answer but the only thing I know
is that you came into my life so that I will know how to love someone, so that
I can know how it feels like to be happy, to know how it feels like to be hurt,
to know how to make sacrifices. I learnt a lot from us my angel, you saved my
life in so many ways. That’s why it hurts me all the time to see you suffer
because of me. I have to move forward, to make myself a better person and to
secure my family’s future. I pray to heavens a day will come again that I will be able to correct all of my mistakes,
maybe when that day comes I will be able to understand why we met and why we
have to go through what we went through, I will let time to decide when she
reveals the answers, until then, goodbye Love
Fathers are wonderful people
Too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
As often as we should...
For, somehow, Father seems to be
The man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts
And nurses all our ills.
And Father struggles daily
To live up to "his image"
As protector and provider
And "hero of the scrimmage"
And perhaps that is the reason
We sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject
To the thing we call emotion,
But if you look inside Dad's heart,
Where no one else can see
You'll find he's sentimental
And as "soft" as he can be.
But he's so busy every day
In the grueling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff
To his partner and his wife,
But Fathers are just wonderful
In a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
And accolades of praise,
For the only reason Dad aspires
To fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
And to bring them happiness,
And like Our Heavenly Father,
He's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count on
To be always on our side.
He never complains of being tired
come rain come sun,
His mind fill with the thought
Of how he will make his family proud.
He goes hungry just for the family to eat,
The best gentle man to ever live,
His heart so refined and defined,
Father is ever loving.
He misses the love of his kids,
warmth arm of his wife,
All because he aspires
and desired to make his family proud.
Too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
As often as we should...
For, somehow, Father seems to be
The man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts
And nurses all our ills.
And Father struggles daily
To live up to "his image"
As protector and provider
And "hero of the scrimmage"
And perhaps that is the reason
We sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject
To the thing we call emotion,
But if you look inside Dad's heart,
Where no one else can see
You'll find he's sentimental
And as "soft" as he can be.
But he's so busy every day
In the grueling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff
To his partner and his wife,
But Fathers are just wonderful
In a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
And accolades of praise,
For the only reason Dad aspires
To fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
And to bring them happiness,
And like Our Heavenly Father,
He's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count on
To be always on our side.
He never complains of being tired
come rain come sun,
His mind fill with the thought
Of how he will make his family proud.
He goes hungry just for the family to eat,
The best gentle man to ever live,
His heart so refined and defined,
Father is ever loving.
He misses the love of his kids,
warmth arm of his wife,
All because he aspires
and desired to make his family proud.
My Poem My pride
My poem is strong
my poem is my love and companion
when all leaves and desert me
my poem stood by me
it never follow suit
It is the suit that my heart wears
when the pains and cold of loneliness comes
and none is around to keep my soul warm
my poem is always there
and never leaves
My poem comes from an inspiration
Inspiration beyond imagination
none can fathom it cos its strange
strange to all
but never to my heart
Like a wind it came
It came and blew into my soul
where is goeth i know not
does it have an end? i know not
but i will follow it
Many are mad cos of the love of a woman
am mad cos of my poem,
am mad cos of my love
the love for my poem
but none understands
My poem is my joy
it joined my heart an soul and made them one
one that can never part
one so strong and strange
never to compromise
My poem is a medicine
no damage or pain it can't heal
I and i alone know the manufacturer
so don't bother searching for it
it is beyond your comprehension
There is a limit to things on earth
but my poem knows no limit
thus unlimited
who knows the end?
even fate knows not
My poem has come to stay
and never to be stayed
who can stop it?
not even fate
my poem is my love and companion
when all leaves and desert me
my poem stood by me
it never follow suit
It is the suit that my heart wears
when the pains and cold of loneliness comes
and none is around to keep my soul warm
my poem is always there
and never leaves
My poem comes from an inspiration
Inspiration beyond imagination
none can fathom it cos its strange
strange to all
but never to my heart
Like a wind it came
It came and blew into my soul
where is goeth i know not
does it have an end? i know not
but i will follow it
Many are mad cos of the love of a woman
am mad cos of my poem,
am mad cos of my love
the love for my poem
but none understands
My poem is my joy
it joined my heart an soul and made them one
one that can never part
one so strong and strange
never to compromise
My poem is a medicine
no damage or pain it can't heal
I and i alone know the manufacturer
so don't bother searching for it
it is beyond your comprehension
There is a limit to things on earth
but my poem knows no limit
thus unlimited
who knows the end?
even fate knows not
My poem has come to stay
and never to be stayed
who can stop it?
not even fate
Imprison to Love
From A distance He touches her smiles Attached with life sentence files Mirrors speaking reflections of his wishes Unchained love burying chained perfections of re-enacted love trials Judges singing love types in street exams With no pre-dated question papers Flesh contacts Blocked till love was left on diet Skinny love bites Award winning definition of an ugly broken engine love flight Sky diving spy lessons Eyes climbing life lessons Love designed to live far from distance Imprisoned reasons sting like fake giggles Jiggles grow far from hunted giggles Knowledge branching silent riddles Speak-ology invented privately to blind eyes married to apology Raising criminology’s kids Unhappily married to anthropology Simple affections rejected Love comes in hustles Space-shipped far from “Beginners love book” Before then love was Jailed for attention purpose
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Time travels so fast that men strive to catch up with it
Fate and time are two friends that am yet to understand
But I standing on the word that nothing lasts forever
Knowing one day fate shall bow before me
Many has come and gone
Forgotten and erased from the memories of men
Their story is like a folktale being told under the soft
cool moon
Who shall remember their deeds?
Many failed to move fate with their faith
Thus they were moved and doomed
Just like they moon they stood
Doomed to watch from afar
Fate once tried to take that which belonged to me
That which I treasured so much
Like a thief in a disguised it came
Fate tried but I stood my ground
How can I bow before fate?
When my faith is rooted on the fountain that ever flows
My shield ever there to make me feel guarded
Faith is all I need to stand and that I have
I was told that no man beats time
But Christ did
Time and fate He conquered
And now he reigns over them
I stand strong never to bend
Blending unto the stages of faith
As I move towards the purpose set before me
Fate and Time can never stop me
Until I get there I will never give up
For I know am not alone
Never to be alone
For He is ever there to see me through
But nevertheless I stand guard
Less I fall to the traps set by fate and time
Many has fallen to this
But Gings will never fail
Monday or Tuesday, I never bail
To wish you good night, I never fail
Wednesday or Thursday, I never miss
To send you a good night hug and a kiss
Friday or Saturday, I never forget
To wish you sweet dreams, at least not yet
And lastly, on a beautiful Sunday
I pray that our friendship always stays this way
Good night
Men say there are no absolute truths... The Truth Man can govern himself. He just doesn’t have the ability to do this successfully. The Truth There is one God. He has a name. He has a son. Their names are different. The Truth When you die, you are dead - not ghosts. It is that simple. That’s it, for now… The Truth Even though humans die, we were never meant to. We were designed for a time without end. The Truth The most circulated book in the history of Man must be more than a “book.” The Truth Happiness can be attained, even in a completely miserable place. The Truth There is no such place as a fiery Hell of torment, except in pagan mythology. The Truth There is a Heaven. However, its purpose is not what you think. The Truth The meek shall inherit the Earth. The Truth... not that far from you.
Many of our love ones are off to war
They leave us behind for distance shores
They seek out our enemies to even the score
But some of them we may never see once more
We give them our thanks and pray each day
For God to watch over them while they are away
We know they will do their duty for they are brave
To fight those who would make of us their slave
It is the Armed Forces who fight to keep us free
For they are willing to die for you and me
They will do their duty until victory is achieved
Only then will they be allowed to grieve
They are my heroes, so young, so brave and true
Fighting to protect our flag, the green, white, green
It is through them the Nigerian Spirit is renewed
And recognition for their sacrifices is long overdue
They leave us behind for distance shores
They seek out our enemies to even the score
But some of them we may never see once more
We give them our thanks and pray each day
For God to watch over them while they are away
We know they will do their duty for they are brave
To fight those who would make of us their slave
It is the Armed Forces who fight to keep us free
For they are willing to die for you and me
They will do their duty until victory is achieved
Only then will they be allowed to grieve
They are my heroes, so young, so brave and true
Fighting to protect our flag, the green, white, green
It is through them the Nigerian Spirit is renewed
And recognition for their sacrifices is long overdue
Honor them by praying for them
Living their dreams as they go to defend
Living in peace and unity to wax strong
For through this their strength are
Their wives are left behind
Children watching as their fathers go to
the battle front
With no assurance they will return
Pray for them to sail home in peace
Our pride and safety they fight to
Who will protect their family?
Only God
For they are our gallant soldiers
Soul Mates
Every second I spend with you
Really is a dream come true.
When I'm with you I feel so free
I truly am as happy as can be.
When I see you my heart races
I could spot you in a million faces.
I cherish the words from you
Telling me your love is true.
My life without you would be a mess
I would be in total distress.
So I'm sending you this to say
I love you more with every day.
Soul mates we are forever and ever
Marching through life together
Until our life here on earth is done
Our two hearts will beat as one.
Really is a dream come true.
When I'm with you I feel so free
I truly am as happy as can be.
When I see you my heart races
I could spot you in a million faces.
I cherish the words from you
Telling me your love is true.
My life without you would be a mess
I would be in total distress.
So I'm sending you this to say
I love you more with every day.
Soul mates we are forever and ever
Marching through life together
Until our life here on earth is done
Our two hearts will beat as one.
Long Gone
The sunrise meets me at the dawn
I wipe away a weary yawn
I've waited here for far too long
And now it's clear that she's long gone
There's a silver lining on the horizon
I lift my eyes to the rising sun
I feel a sudden breeze where there was once none
So I fill my lungs and start to run
These heavy feelings chase me for quite awhile
Heartache and cold regret for miles and miles
Sweat falls like liquid fire into my eyes
But gradually my lips curve into a smile
The world's a vibrant scene from the top of a hill
Birds flying underneath in panoramic view
Life keeps on moving on no matter how you feel
Bright colored leaves float free and then grow anew
The past is just history, the future's a mystery but I'm right here
Figuring out all the heartache and doubt of existential fear
The journey seems long but it's here then it's gone as moments fade into years
As we slowly learn the pain in desire and the joy in tears
I wipe away a weary yawn
I've waited here for far too long
And now it's clear that she's long gone
There's a silver lining on the horizon
I lift my eyes to the rising sun
I feel a sudden breeze where there was once none
So I fill my lungs and start to run
These heavy feelings chase me for quite awhile
Heartache and cold regret for miles and miles
Sweat falls like liquid fire into my eyes
But gradually my lips curve into a smile
The world's a vibrant scene from the top of a hill
Birds flying underneath in panoramic view
Life keeps on moving on no matter how you feel
Bright colored leaves float free and then grow anew
The past is just history, the future's a mystery but I'm right here
Figuring out all the heartache and doubt of existential fear
The journey seems long but it's here then it's gone as moments fade into years
As we slowly learn the pain in desire and the joy in tears
Death is not the end,
For love goes on
And you will find the evidence
Long after I have gone.
The flowers that we planted
Will blossom without end
You’ll find me in their beauty
As to their needs you tend.
The books we read together,
The laughter in the pages,
Will continue to give pleasure
To you throughout the ages.
So do not mourn my passing
You are not left alone,
You’ll always find me waiting
In the places we have known.
The bond that grew between us
Will not abate with time,
It will go on for always,
I’m yours and you are mine.
For love goes on
And you will find the evidence
Long after I have gone.
The flowers that we planted
Will blossom without end
You’ll find me in their beauty
As to their needs you tend.
The books we read together,
The laughter in the pages,
Will continue to give pleasure
To you throughout the ages.
So do not mourn my passing
You are not left alone,
You’ll always find me waiting
In the places we have known.
The bond that grew between us
Will not abate with time,
It will go on for always,
I’m yours and you are mine.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
He says he loves me then he says he loves me not
He loves me today but by tomorrow I'm forgotten
He runs from my love but returns wanting more
I guess I'm to blame for letting the traveler explore,
See travellers just wander and are never here to stay
They admire the scenery and enjoy the display
They tour the land and ride the attractions
So memories become their only subtractions,
They search for an experience that is what they yearn
The condition once they leave is none of their concern!
So how can the land be devoted and true
When travellers come and go out of the blue.
The present is now and where he's travelled to,
But the past he calls home so he must return soon
Most likely just a visit although time can only tell,
But what he lusts is in this land and he knows it very well
He may call that place home but its this land that he seeks
Travellers on a mission never realize until they hit their peek
He continues to damage this land down to its core
So what's left to offer when their is nothing left in store?
The resources were depleted and the land left bare
He comes and goes as he pleases it doesn't seem fair;
See this land has been abused time and time again
Seeds that were planted, were means to an end
But pleasure and satisfaction was always accomplished
Because this land provided where the homeland was disadvantaged!
But despite the history and despite the trust
Submit to his urges is something he must.
So this time around his departure is permanent
Lack of faith and loyalty was the final determinant.
The damage he caused cannot be rendered,
his visitation rights he has surrendered!
So leave this land I say and never look back
This is the path you chose I hope you can stay on track,
Cause travellers have memories of the lands they have stained
But the land only remembers the one that remained!
Monday, December 19, 2016
How I Love It
love it when you hold me close, and always want to play.
in the morning you message me; on every single day.
you call me every night, before I close my eyes-
always tell the truth; never any lies.
I get to see your passion with every story that you tell,
even when you’re angry, those feelings never dwell.
love that you protect me, from everything around;
even when I’m lost, I know that I’ll get found.
love that whenever you start to drive, you make me kiss your cheek.
my stomach gets butterflies with each sweet word you speak.
you cuddle me for a moment and then turn on your side,
all of your accomplishments and family give you pride.
love that you support every decision that I make,
even if you’re embarrassed of things- you’ve never acted fake.
you always want me to be happy, no matter how I feel.
even when we make things up- it’s never been more real.
you always make these plans, that often tend to change;
you smile at my senseless jokes, and when I’m acting strange.
you always say I’m pretty, even when I don’t think that it’s true-
you think that I’d want anyone else; when all I want is you.
Right Here For You
We were meant to live
Sun rises
None by our side
Winds out of control
None to hold on to
Who said a human is just one body
I can prove them wrong
What explains
The chaos in my heart
Winter is coming
Here again
Wishing, hoping to find you again
Love, where art thou?
I am here
Don't be shy
I'll be right here
Sun rises
None by our side
Winds out of control
None to hold on to
Who said a human is just one body
I can prove them wrong
What explains
The chaos in my heart
Winter is coming
Here again
Wishing, hoping to find you again
Love, where art thou?
I am here
Don't be shy
I'll be right here
From Afar
She's something.
Something you dream you'd never have.
Something you'd have and not know what to do with it once you had it.
Something you admire from a distance because if you were to feel it,
Everything that once was so beautiful
Would be ruined.
So I stare at her like the strange kid I am
And take in a goddess.
Something you dream you'd never have.
Something you'd have and not know what to do with it once you had it.
Something you admire from a distance because if you were to feel it,
Everything that once was so beautiful
Would be ruined.
So I stare at her like the strange kid I am
And take in a goddess.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Sad Me
A crush is a nice thing to have
It makes you feel nice
Cared about
Thought about
And so on
But when you see a lot of people crushing on each other
And you’re the only one without a crush
It makes you feel sad
But sometimes you might feel happy you don’t have a crush and somebody doesn’t have a crush on you
But deep down inside
Your slowly dying of loneliness
You’re happy because you don’t want to get hurt
But you would actually risk anything to be loved
I know how you feel
I was vulnerable to the heart breaking
And I got it broken
Into tiny pieces
I don’t go for it no more because crushing is just a waste of time
But for people who love “love” thinks it’s everything and will do anything to try and find their soulmate
And when they find that person they live happily ever after
But some don’t
Some die from it
Some suffer depression
I almost did
But I never gave up
I searched and searched
But no luck
So I’m giving up on it
Why bothering keep going when there’s nobody to love you
I just sit here…
On my bed…
And cry myself to sleep…
Knowing… that nobody likes me…
It makes you feel nice
Cared about
Thought about
And so on
But when you see a lot of people crushing on each other
And you’re the only one without a crush
It makes you feel sad
But sometimes you might feel happy you don’t have a crush and somebody doesn’t have a crush on you
But deep down inside
Your slowly dying of loneliness
You’re happy because you don’t want to get hurt
But you would actually risk anything to be loved
I know how you feel
I was vulnerable to the heart breaking
And I got it broken
Into tiny pieces
I don’t go for it no more because crushing is just a waste of time
But for people who love “love” thinks it’s everything and will do anything to try and find their soulmate
And when they find that person they live happily ever after
But some don’t
Some die from it
Some suffer depression
I almost did
But I never gave up
I searched and searched
But no luck
So I’m giving up on it
Why bothering keep going when there’s nobody to love you
I just sit here…
On my bed…
And cry myself to sleep…
Knowing… that nobody likes me…
Ging's Diary Pt1
I sit by the bar sipping my drink patiently waiting my turn./ I felt the heat
but fought
burn./ My heart begins to pound./ I had to calm myself down./ Before my feet
ground./ So out of my seat to the beat to take that chance./ No; no; not break
out and
some crazy dance./ Try something I've never tried before./ See, I first noticed
you when
walked through the club door./ Yes, kinda watched you discreetly./ And I wonder
if after
piece you would be interested in me?/ I hold the mic, so I'm in control./ I'm
about to
a certain woman a bit of my soul./ So as I stare into this crowd,/ My eyes
don't have to
the room.
silence can be so loud, speaking in volumes as I study you!/
I confess, you possess a divine elegance
rarely seen./ You're like a fantasy straight out
my dream./ I saw you whispering to your friend./ Does it matter the color of my
do I begin?/ No, I'm not necessarily looking to "score"./ I'm looking
for more./ I
to be a little ecstacy you've never experienced before./ I'm a simple man, a
Who's "been there and done that".? I'm what you'd call
"laid-back"./ I enjoy taking it
I admit I can talk a little greesy./ I will not use pointless pickup lines -
that's cheesy./
me to pick your brain./ Possibly entertain you./ Conversation that's easy to
won't be disappointed getting to know me./ I offer myself freely./ Hope you're
energy./ There's no place I'd rather be./
This is my only way I can communicate my
wishes./ Of us exchanging passionate slow
kisses./ So if I approach you, you will
hold the power./ To give me a chance, possibly dance,
and conversate into morning hours./ I'm
sure you have a lot of "boys' following you around
town./ But I'm a "man" and this
is how I get down./ I don't and won't approach you with
false promises nor lies./ I'm trying to
make you high after I eat your apple pie./ I'm far from
selfish in bed./ I'll even wake you up to
morning head../ I can promise to leave you 110%
satisfied./ Fill up your cup and make you
tingle inside./ I'm trying, dying to make this
happen./ And you can guarantee that with
me,/ I will treat your body like platinum!/
this love is through./ the "pleasure" will still remain and the residue./
so I hope
I've set the mood, / and you smile, allow
me to pursue you./ I'm aware and quite frankly I
Don’t care./ If other men hear me beg./
I'll be the one blessed to fall asleep with my face
buried between your legs!/ (The mic falls
to the stage with a "clunk", and I step from the
Stage to approach the woman at the table
in the center of the club)
Who's It Gonna Be?
Him or me? Sweetie who's it
gonna be? You have me waiting,
anticipating. This
Question should not have you hesitating. I've sat back and listened to you
explain. Your
Need for me but love for "what-his-name?" It should not be so hard for you to
decide. For
He keeps you on an emotional roller coaster ride. Take a look back when I was before him.
It's not difficult to comprehend.
I was your honey. Lover, friend.
Just follow your heart and
Follow what your body tells you.
It's a start when you acknowledge I've never failed you.
Damn-it woman you hold the power.
Who do you think about in lonely hours?
Who do you?
Imagine touching you in the shower? You know I'm the one who goes deep. Sweetie you
Know my love is unique. You
know I'll do what he won't in the bedroom.
You know when it
Comes to you nothing is sexually taboo.
I'm the one who takes
you out on the town. You know I like to
go down. You know I'm
Far from selfish in bed.
Does he wake you up to morning head?
Come on don't lie. Does he
Gobble; make you hobble after eating your apple pie? Does he keep your kitty on a sexual?
High? Does he flip; dip
bite into your battleship? He probably sees
it as invalid. So I know
He doesn’t toss your salad.
Baby you know what I'm about.
Does he make you cry out in?
Ecstasy? When you're with
him do you think of me?
Tell me, does he show
you public affection? Was he there with
you watching "Obama"
Win the election? Is he
there for you, share with you special moments in life? Will him
Sacrifice his career? Does
he whisper sweet words in your ear? Does
he kiss the tip of your
nose? Surprise you with a
rose? Does he massage your feet? Take you out to eat? Does
he makes your heart smile?
And to comfort you, would he walk a thousand miles? Does he
do these things and then some?
No! He's silly and dumb! Always on the run, always on the
go and no! "Attention"
he doesn't show! He doesn’t? know that
I'm the one who understands. I
Support your goals and plans.
I know you like no other. You
don't need advice from your
Mother. She even knows I'll
catch you if you fall. You know she sees
me as her son-n-law.
The Thought Of You
I sit and listen to the poetry in my head. I listen closely as the beat has me tantalized and feeling hypnotized. The thought of you is like an instrument that plays sweet rhymes
The words you speak to me is like a lullaby that soothes a baby to sleep. You remind me of every song that I have played and nodded to.
Poetry has captured my heart to your heart as we beat as one.
You can feel the sound as it vibrates off our body as my hips sway. I love music like I love him
because he is my passion and mission
How To Love Me
Don’t try to look up the manual.
I can tell you there is no step-by-step procedure.
No magic formula to bring me to my knees.
No concoction of words that can render this poet speechless.
I can tell you there is no step-by-step procedure.
No magic formula to bring me to my knees.
No concoction of words that can render this poet speechless.
No proportion of words can bring Gings down cos' it's my dawn
Trust me,
I have heard it all.
I have heard it all.
I have seen enough to know the difference between love and
I have learned what happens when I choose to ignore my gut,
so do not convince me I am broken just so you can pick up the pieces.
I picked them up a long time ago,
and yes,
I have learned what happens when I choose to ignore my gut,
so do not convince me I am broken just so you can pick up the pieces.
I picked them up a long time ago,
and yes,
I’m still gluing myself along the way.
But this mosaic I’ve become is so much more beautiful than anything I ever was before.
Before the shattering,
before the cracked glass,
before this new found vitality.
But this mosaic I’ve become is so much more beautiful than anything I ever was before.
Before the shattering,
before the cracked glass,
before this new found vitality.
I will never expect flowers.
give me something that will not die.
Give me something that will only continue to grow,
to change,
to wilt at times,
but rebirth in spring.
Love me the way Frank Sinatra sings.
give me something that will not die.
Give me something that will only continue to grow,
to change,
to wilt at times,
but rebirth in spring.
Love me the way Frank Sinatra sings.
Love me the way little kids run,
so free,
and so unafraid of looking foolish.
Love me with your ears and realize I’m going to talk far too much.
No seriously,
I’m going to talk a lot.
Drown me out when it gets to be too much,
but never let the water get too cold.
so free,
and so unafraid of looking foolish.
Love me with your ears and realize I’m going to talk far too much.
No seriously,
I’m going to talk a lot.
Drown me out when it gets to be too much,
but never let the water get too cold.
Love me like the ocean,
not deeply or endless or something else vaguely romantic and far too cliché,
Love me like those weird creatures in the dark parts of the water,
the ones that are a little fucked up with crooked teeth,
the loners.
Love me like the spaces in between words that were never said.
Love me in a way you never have to explain.
not deeply or endless or something else vaguely romantic and far too cliché,
Love me like those weird creatures in the dark parts of the water,
the ones that are a little fucked up with crooked teeth,
the loners.
Love me like the spaces in between words that were never said.
Love me in a way you never have to explain.
Love me like no one has ever caused you to spit out your
own name in disgust,
Like you were never worthy,
Like you were the one with a problem,
Love me like I know we are both problems.
Love me like who the fuck gets to decide what’s a problem and what’s a solution anyway.
Love me like you told your kinder garden crush you were going to love them.
Love me like it’s really not that complicated in the end.
The way to love a guy like me, quite frankly, does not even need to be written down.
Love me like you have always known how.
Like you were never worthy,
Like you were the one with a problem,
Love me like I know we are both problems.
Love me like who the fuck gets to decide what’s a problem and what’s a solution anyway.
Love me like you told your kinder garden crush you were going to love them.

The way to love a guy like me, quite frankly, does not even need to be written down.
Love me like you have always known how.
All sin is disgusting,
matter of fact it disgusts me,
so if you wanna discuss me,
please, I beg of you, remember this one thing,
the sin inside of me, no longer runs things
without Christ, I’m nothing,
but God looked down from above and saw something......
and even though i am so undeserving, He still sent His Son
matter of fact it disgusts me,
so if you wanna discuss me,
please, I beg of you, remember this one thing,
the sin inside of me, no longer runs things
without Christ, I’m nothing,
but God looked down from above and saw something......
and even though i am so undeserving, He still sent His Son
I am so not worthy of Him, but Jesus still came,
God with skin on,
wayyyyyy before I was born,
or ever thought about getting’ my sin on,
Jesus Christ took the man form,
and when I saw Him in all His glory,
I couldn’t help but be transformed,
call me bumble bee,
cause there’s more than meets the eye,
God with skin on,
wayyyyyy before I was born,
or ever thought about getting’ my sin on,
Jesus Christ took the man form,
and when I saw Him in all His glory,
I couldn’t help but be transformed,
call me bumble bee,
cause there’s more than meets the eye,
when I, look at my God,
every day I strive to understand the best that I can,
but most days I still find myself standin’ in awe
God, you ran with my heart,
and I’m chasin’ you for it,
thank you Lord Jesus for never ignorin’, me
every day I strive to understand the best that I can,
but most days I still find myself standin’ in awe
God, you ran with my heart,
and I’m chasin’ you for it,
thank you Lord Jesus for never ignorin’, me
when my priorities were out of sorts,
and I told my nieces boyfriend that you weren’t important
yeah sure, you allowed me to go through them hard times,
so I would get down on my knees,
and then you poured in more grace,
and I told my nieces boyfriend that you weren’t important
yeah sure, you allowed me to go through them hard times,
so I would get down on my knees,
and then you poured in more grace,
I am so fortunate
yet i am still broken,
you are my fortress, and every day I soak in,
the blood of my Savior,
thanks to Jesus, I am no longer a slave to the sin nature
cause Christ conquered the grave,
on the cross He died, and 3 days later was raised,
God is so perfect and worthy of praise
yet i am still broken,
you are my fortress, and every day I soak in,
the blood of my Savior,
thanks to Jesus, I am no longer a slave to the sin nature
cause Christ conquered the grave,
on the cross He died, and 3 days later was raised,
God is so perfect and worthy of praise
Friday, December 9, 2016
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
I know your heart is saddened by our breaking up
All dreams and future we once planned together shattered
The brightness of the heart being darkened by the vacuum
Vacuum created by our parting
I feel the pain more than you do
When you first came into my life
I knew unspeakable joy
Each day I woke up hoping for a brighter day
But now all these are gone
Am taken back to the days of aching
Don’t think the pain came to you alone
The one I feel each day goes beyond expression
Don’t feel the burden is left for you alone to carry
The burden of our unfortunate love
Love never meant to be
Fate brought us together
Same fate parted us and took us away from one another
Fate the law maker of lovers
Same way we met
Same we parted
Better to leave and search for a greener pasture
Than to stay with tears in a muddy garden
Being lovers who were never meant to be
Thus deceiving our own selves
Knowing fully well we will fail
So strong at first
Strong like it will last for eternity
Whirlwind came and it fail
All in a blink of an eye
Like titanic it capsized in the ocean never to rise again
The pains definitely is hard to bear
But take heart and move on
I have moved forward leaving all the pains behind
Never to go back
Until I find the better pasture
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