Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Sad Poet

I am the sad Poet.
The uneasy man.
Who longs to be loved,
or just to have a friend.

My heart whispers a low melody
on a faint, cool evening
thinking of her.
Once in my arms,
laying on my bed of roses.
Now she is gone.
I cannot think anymore!
It is hard, to love again,
When all your love has been taken away.
..I am the sad Poet.

I am the sad Poet,
That walks the bluish, dawn and dew covered streets
in the October evenings and nights.
But I tell you, I wasn't always so sad.
No! I was once alive..happy..romantic,
..till Love went away!

Now I sit in the wayward poetry clubs,
drinking club soda and snapping my fingers
to a finished performance on a poem about love.
Written by a soft, spoken seventeen year old girl.

Soon, it is my turn to give my poem a read.
I stand on a lone stage, with a spotlight drown
ing me in blindness. I face the faces, who look at me and smile. A clap, and a cough, bring my head up. I look out upon the sitting crowd. To see that one face that speaks to me, without the movement of the mouth. The face never showed though, and my head fell back down. I start to read. A vase of emotions kill me and swallow me up. I try to hold back tears, but no more could I halter. I finished, with a salty tear, rolling down my rough and oiled cheek. I leave the crowd at ovation and leave the women, all with tears in their eyes. I come down from the stage, leaving the bright spotlight. I shake hands, give hugs, and collect my pay, and have another round of club soda. Then, I go down the midnight alleyways of sprinkled city streets finding myself a cozy room. I think of her for a moment, then off to sleep. I dream of one time laughs, and hugs and kisses. I cry in my sleep, ...For I am the sad Poet.

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