Sunday, March 4, 2018

Letter To My Daughter

Oh all I dream about is having a daughter, for that's something I'm craving to hold in my, arms. Oh how can I not help, but imagine, to hold you in my arms, as you'd slowly open your eyes, for the first time, and it'd be beautiful. Oh my love, I'm waiting to listen to your voice, so sweet, only to greet you later, for my love, i'll give you all the love, one can ever give you, and maybe much more. Oh how adorable will it be my love, when you'd walk w me, every evening, after I get married to the love of my life, only to take you w us, for my love, you're everything, I ever wanted.

Oh from the day, you'd be born love, my love, I'd think of you, like I never have, sitting hours straight, until my eyes, had enough of what you seem to be. Oh I'd hold you in my arms, my love, only to never let you go, until you'd be walking in a new home, but only to find me their, for my love, I'm not letting you go, until the very end. Oh I can't wait to put you to sleep, my love, for how beautiful would it be? Slowly you'd wear your night dress, as I'd help you wear them, for my love, you're so lil now.  Oh my love, how beautiful would it be for, everyday, I'd dress you up for school! Oh how cute would you look, wearing a cute tie, and lovely skirt, and a shirt, and a small beltt, Oh my love, I can't wait. Can you?

Oh they judge me my love, for I crave for a daughter, but my love, you make me happy, and thought of you sleeping on my chest, looking into my eyes, as you'd clasp my finger and sleep, is heavenly my love. I'll love you so much, my love. Like so muchh. Oh I won't let sleep my love, but will put you on my chest and make you sleep on me, like that, and caress your head with a few hair! Oh my love, I'll put you next to me, only to gaze you, while I see your mom, kissing you, and Oh how lovely would it be? Oh love, it'd be beautiful. I'll love you like no one has.

Love, I'll try to change your diaper, but please don't pee on me haha. Or you can haha, well that's just an experience. Oh love, but after I'd powder and change your diaper, while you pee all over me, I'd hug you and make you sleep on my lap, while I'd tell you as to how beautiful your mom is! Oh my love, how I'd close my eyes, only to see you their, growing up slowly, only to continue the path, on which once I'll walk, and you'll later my love, for you'll spread smiles, with your smile, w/o asking for anything in return. You'd be kind, my love! You'd be beautiful! You'd be sweet! You'd be everything I'm not, my love, only to make me proud!

Oh how lovely would it be my love, for when you'd touch the rain for the first time, excited, our small happy family, will be dancing in the rain, until we sit on a bench, with you my love, in my lap, and your mom rests her head, on my shoulder, holding my hand, in hers, and oh we'd kiss, only to point in a direction where you'd glance, only to never see us do it.

Oh my love, I'll love you! I'll love you no matter what. Until the end.

Your Dad
Soul Therapist

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