Friday, January 6, 2017

Amazing Partner


The very first day we met is still fresh,
Just like the morning fresh,
So cool like the morning dew…
So charming like the love of a damsel,
Am still dazzled by our meeting…
At the rose garden I sat,
Starring at the birds flying above my head,
Wishing I can be free as them,
Free from stress and boredom of the day,
Wishing to be a freeman
Lovers exchanging their emotions and feelings,
Filling the vacuum in others heart,
The rose complementing their activities,
None was beside me to fill the vacuum in my heart,
Not even the pleasantries’ of the rose.
The birds tried to converse with me using their songs,
But I was sunk in loneliness,
Loneliness so strong that I became blinded
And deaf,
To the lovely wishes sent by nature.
I conversed with my inner man,
He was also jealous of other lovers playing around the garden,
Envy took over my veins,
And my blood ceased to flow,,,
All because of loneliness.
Then I heard your footsteps so tender and gentle,
Walking towards me.
I looked but all I saw was a damsel clothed with beauty,
So radiating that even the roses fell in love with her,
The birds raised an anthem in her name.
Yet I wasn’t relieved,
How can I be when I knew nothing about her?
But wished to know,
She sensed my loneliness
And was moved.
All of a sudden I felt a touch of love,
So charming so lovely
My inner man became enchanted………
To a damsel I know nothing about
But wished to know.
A question came to me,
So sudden that I stumbled gathering the answers,
But never get one……
How can I when a radiating beauty has covered my sense of reasoning?
When all I needed was love and not questions?
The roses felt this and ran to my rescue,
The birds responding with melodies
As I strive for an answer,
They gave me a clue,
A route to the answer….
your beauty was the route
So narrow but wide,
Your smile was the companion I longed for,
I found it and was made……
Thanks to the children of nature.
You gave me love so strong that my loneliness fled at your sight,
Your beauty radiated into my darkness and I was enlightened.
From that day until this very moment,
I know nothing but the joy of companion ship,
The joy of friendship.
Can I forget this lovely moment?
Can I forget the beautiful roses that witnessed our meeting?
Our meeting is ever fresh
Living with us in our memory and never to go,

Our meeting is as your beauty and am yet to understand it.

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